Linkin’ logs 5-1-12
My ‘Net gains of recent vintage:
• I love lists, and from the looks of today’s magazines, most others do as well. So of course I was fascinated by the latest compilation of the world’s most admired wine brands “” but as much for the groupings and juxtapositions as anything else (I’m long past getting outraged by such trifling matters). To wit: Two Aussie brands in the top five. That country’s most popular brand, Yellow Tail, eking in at no. 50. Blue Nun (they still make that?) at 26. Barefoot just ahead of Chateau d’Yquem. The odd placements of the other spendy French houses. The list, btw, was compiled by sommeliers using Yahweh-knows what criteria.
• After a fitful start, the ridiculous bridge project in Germany’s Mosel region, where some of the world’s best riesling is grown and made, has been halted. Here’s hoping it’s for good. Jancis Robinson’s account, mostly from a cohort’s reporting, is a bit dry, but the photos are cool.
• Both the graphic “” a very cool (and cool-weather) map “” and the content of this mini-guide to pinot noir regions are worth a gander.
• Finally, in example no. 34,772 of Why I love the Interwebs, I came across this marvelous cartoon posted on Facebook by A Glass of Wine: