
Linkin’ logs: 8-18-16

I am vowing never to get so far behind in writing posts, especially sharing the wonders of the World Wine Web. The latest:

• I’ve always been a sucker for frozen drinks (and have to watch my intake of Brandy Alexanders during our interminable winters), and I loves me some rosé. So a slushy pink cocktail is right in my wheelhouse.

A label for Big Tree Brand California wines

A label for Big Tree Brand California wines

• NPR delved into the vinous library at Cal-Davis and unearthed cool old labels and a lot more.

• Not sure how much it contributes it my own fabulous marriage, but researchers say that drinking wine could be the secret to happy unions — if both parties imbibe.

• This is pretty geeky, but those who are interested in how northern grapes are hybridized — by using genetic testing of native grapes — will get a lot out of it.

• This piece is long and also a bit cork-dorky, but it’s a fabulous take on one of the world’s coolest vineyards (Stagecoach) and two of my very favorite wine people (Gabrielle Shafer and Jan Krupp).

• Will the next generation be as pandered to as egregiously as we Boomers have been? A Coravin for Millennials indicates that the answer is hell-to-the-yes.

• Finally, a toast to whoever came up with this inspired (and inspirational) bit:

Wine Sign

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