Well versed in wine
They were poets, and we know it. They also were fond of fermented grape juice, as their lovely words attest:
So sweet it seems with thee to walk,
And once again to woo thee mine ““
It seems in after-dinner talk
Across the walnuts and the wine
““ Alfred, Lord Tennyson
I drank at every vine,
the last was like the first.
I came upon no wine
so wonderful as thirst.
““ Edna St. Vincent Millay (left)
Where once my wit, perchance, hath shone,
in aid of others let me shine;
and when, alas, my brain has gone,
what better substitute than wine?
““ Lord Byron
And wine can of their wits the wise beguile,
make the sage frolic, and the serious smile.
““ Alexander Pope